Hello. Tomorrow is Earth Day.🌎👍

One of the big problems that we have created is air pollution and global warming.

Our Earth has an ozone layer (O3), which absorbs most of the Ultraviolet rays that the sun carries down to us. But due to the increased level of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere, that ozone layer has been thinned out, leaving gaps, where the UV rays easily travel through. Greenhouse gasses are caused by the CO2 emissions from cars, boats, trains, and factories that all burn fuel to create energy. The UV rays that pass through the ozone layer heat up our atmosphere, so the temperature on Earth keeps rising.

This can be slowed down, but not entirely stopped. The process happens naturally, but much slower than it has. To slow down this process, we all must be careful of how we use our resources. Make a family goal this Earth Day to limit your carbon footprint (how much G.G. you release into the atmosphere). Ex: Don’t leave your car running, turn off your lights when you’re not using them, take shorter showers etc.

This Earth Day, be good back to the Earth. Our Earth deserves it. 🙂